
Distracted girl.

| Szerző: wendy's | 1:00 pm

Heyyaa!Mosolygó arc

Things are complicated enough currently.I wont give up singing just step out(?) from this choir.I am going to sing another choir which is a mixed choir.But it isnt as cool as the Aurin.It was a hard decision for me but I have to do it.I dunno when I will tell this to the conductor.And yeah I have to say he is awful very often.And I have to think of my future too.I will be very busy in the next to years bacause of the faculties the plus lessons apart from school.(french,english,maths)this writing club thing on Monday or Saturday and I wanna do some sports too.(and maybe start playing the piano as well).
I'm glad of your american experiences.It must was very exciting.Piros szív

Yeah,I was lucky because of this 20-year-old man.But it turned out that he is 21.Arc kinyújtott nyelvvelArc nagy mosollyal.We've met since that occassion 4 times but the last 3 was Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday in this week.Now he went to the Lake Balaton with his friends and I still dunno what he wants from(?)me.We kissed a lot again,we talked a lot,watched a movie together and when I asked him that what do we do?He didnt give me normal answer.And I dunno that, are we dating or going out or what is this whole thing at all?and its very annoying.Vicsorgó arcBecause I started to think of it more and more seriously.When he comes home I will discuss it with him because if it's just an easy connection for him and its just a summer adventure we have to finish it.(yeah,yeah I know that I said i dont want to cotton on to anybody.)

In connection with the genius girl.I would never ever do that.Such a shame!I feel sorry for the boy's gilrfriend.Szomorú arc
and but U wanna say that the reason, he behave like that is you?because he likes U more than U like him?
But U have to accept it somehow that people are changing.BUT (everything is diffrent if he does it because of U,if it's true, my last sentence doesnt matter.)

My summer is ok.But it's a bit dreamy.I dont feel it real and dont feel this:yeahhh summer!!!(I'm idiot,i knowArc nagy mosollyal)
I'm alone at home this week.Kacsintó arcMy family went to Croatia but I dindt want do go becouse of my stepfather and  then again,and I knew that it's boring for me.I love the sea very much but I dont love bathing all the week.

lots of love
Suzy xxxx


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