
 I declare at the beginnig that there arent any connenction between this picture and my text so dont think of evil thinks.(EVIL BE TO HIM WHO EVIL THINKS):D

My day started at 6:45 am.I got up very hardly,get dressed,packed and left.
Of course it was raining all day,i turned on my ipod and listened to music.There werent anyone in the streets.
Actually, this fucking swimming ruins my whole Wednesday.In the swimmingpool the water is cold enough to cold for the first time.Boys wears their repulsive swimming trunks-but thanks God-they never wear goggles. so they cant see us under the water:D..but we have,so... this is sucks.I almost leave out the main event.So,I had a shower there and I let fall my panties.It was very very wet and,i thought i should go out to dry it.I asked the dame to let me back.she said ok,and she laughed.
So I was drying my knickers when a man came and started to laugh loudly so it was enough to understand I shouldnt do this only in only one towel.Therefore,I went back,I put on my jeans without any panties and went to school.It was interesting.A day without knickers or with a very wet knickers.This sounds so pervert and sadist.But who could do this if not me?nobody.

I havent done anything for today,either normal or own homework.It's shame,I'm going to take the language exam on Saturday and I feel that this is not real.There are sooo much things,which i dont know.But I dont give it shit.What should I do?Learn all day long?nooooo...

In my class there are one couple... and....(wow,their names are much more sexi than in hungarian)the point is,they say romatic things eachother all the time,hold eachother's hand,and smile and....I dont wanna be rude.... how could I say?...erm.maybe unfeeling.. but it irritates me.I dont like seeing soggy couples.I wont have boyfirend like....ok, I finished.

Music.Right,I have to acknowledge that,hungarian people have good voice they are v v talented if we talk about classical music,big orchestras and choirs.But relative to pop or rock music.People?What can we render?omg.perhaps nothing.Grat.I've fallen in love with one song and lyics,here U are:(from this part the music is the best, of course)

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."
(Mumford and sons,After the storm)

If it was Hungarian,I wouldn't mention the previous things.But this is in English.

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