

| Szerző: wendy's | 2:06 pm

 Hey Guys!What's up?What have you been up to?

I downloaded a lot of good music.For example:Mutemath,Keane,Sade,OneRepublic,Nick Jonas(L)lol,finally:Taylor Swift.I can say:she deserved the Grammy.She is very talented and her song,I'm only me when I with you, is quite good.And her boyfriend was Taylor Lautner,I hope WAS.Taylor is my lover(lautner).You should listen this too:OneRepublic-Stop and Stare.I'm very happy because my speakers work well.(thanks dad).I will go to choir rehersal,then I'm going to travel to Bp.by train.I like travelling by train,I have time to thinking.I love being alone.Me and me can understand eachother nicely.Tomorrow I hope Lisa will heal(?)and we can go out in BP.(of course not at night).Presently I need to go to the library,to give back the books.(unfortunatey i have to pay because I'm late)I was slob.I'll give U that.What about I should write?I miss you girls.Yesterday I watched the New Moon again.And I always feel sorry for Jake.Not Bella.I don't care Bella,she slight Jake all the time.Wow.I finished,It's time.Ohhh, I can't bring to the stop the music.

Love from Suzi



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